CBD: more protective than Vitamin C?

CBD: more protective than Vitamin C?

It is always said that it is better to be safe than sorry.
It is known that stress lowers the immune system and we are more prone to being attacked by viruses.

But how can we protect ourselves from stress in these times?

We run from morning to evening among the thousands of commitments that chase us: home, children, work…. and we don't realize how our immune system suffers. They say that diseases often come to make us stop for a moment.
Writing these lines I imagine how many of you already attack me immediately: "Eh, it's easy to say slow down, but I can't afford it!"

You are right! I myself run all day trying to finish all the tasks and it is not always possible to achieve the result. Stress mounts and you feel weak. And only when you start to feel weak do you think about how to fix it. If you ask the experts they will tell you:

  1. Exercise - I would love to have a game of soccer, a walk or run and play with the kids in the park but I HAVE NO TIME
  2. Eliminate Stress - Sure! Do you think I like being stressed? It is our times that force us to go forward at this speed. I would definitely prefer to have time to do the things I like, devote myself to my hobbies, my children, but I CAN'T because children have to eat, bills have to be paid
  3. Sleep better - I know that a good night's sleep lowers the risk of infections and improves the outcome of treatments and vaccinations. They say you have to sleep for 7-8 hours. This means that in order to wake up at 5 (yes, unfortunately, this is my alarm clock), I would have to go to sleep at 21. I challenge all of you who work and take care of home and family, to be able to go to bed at that time. IMPOSSIBLE! Then the more tired you are, the harder you fall asleep, the more problems you have, the less you can fall asleep, the more ideas you have, the less you switch off your brain.
  4. Take care of hygiene - We get sick more in winter because we are more indoors. You have to open the window at least twice a day to change the air and this is not difficult but it is NOT ENOUGH.
  5. Cultivate Social Relationships - Many studies show that a lack of social relationships equates to a lack of physical activity for the immune system. - See how everything is connected and to have time for friends you don't have to be stressed with work and commitments at home, otherwise you have to take some sleep. HOW YOU DO IT?
  6. Supplements Vitamins and Minerals - PERFECT! Here is the solution. The first thing that comes to your mind is vitamin D and vitamin C (known as a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system).
  7. Improve your diet - At least 5 daily rations of fruit and vegetables! I don't know how it is with you but here in England, it is every GP's demand for checkups. How much and which fruits and vegetables you eat. But can we trust what we buy in supermarkets today? Not everyone has the opportunity to buy from the farmer.

Conclusion: We just have to rely on vitamins and supplements.

But is it true that vitamin C is the most powerful?

It is true that in nature we can find the solution to every problem. We are reminded by the latest studies that highlight the multiple healing properties of cannabis. In fact, CBD is a very powerful antioxidant and has been shown to be more protective than Vitamin C and Tocopherol. Obviously, we are talking about pure CBD, the one available from the Hemp Sativa plant. I am not going into scientific details that are not easily understood but I want to explain why it is important that it is pure CBD:

  • Absolutely free of side effects
  • It does not bind to CB1 receptors in the brain and does not possess any psychoactive effects like that with THC. Example: Medical cannabis contains THC.
  • Easily available from the Hemp Sativa plant.


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